DRIVEN: 2023 Toyota Corolla SE AWD Sedan

(Click on any image to see it full screen in high res) Toyota introduced its (and nearly everyone else’s) foray into the hybrid car world with the original Prius, and for some years, the only way you could get Toyota’s innovative regenerative hybrid...

Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance – and the winners are…

  PEBBLE BEACH, Calif. (August 20, 2023) — A prewar Mercedes-Benz roadster that was first owned by the Shah of Afghanistan—one of just three similar cars surviving in the world today—was awarded the top prize at the 2023 Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance. This...

Cool Cars Are Where You Find Them

  Click on a photo to see it full screen in hi res As you’ve likely heard me say before, its true: cool cars are where you find them, often right under your nose.  Check out this crazy trio of vintage Oldsmobiles (remember that brand?  Opposite of what the...

The Point of Driving It Home — Is the Point

You can click on any photo to see it full size and in high res.   The joys of benchracing aside, I generally dislike “Me and My Car” stories.  You know, when someone – friend, clubmate, or journalist – prattles on and on about some car they have or had and why...

Fabulous Fiorano — Ferrari’s Private F1 Test Track

To Tread Upon Hallowed Ground Lapping The Ferrari Factory’s Test Track [Doubleclick on any image to see it full screen in high res] Some places are sacred; Mount Everest, the Wailing Wall, the Taj Mahal, or the Coliseum in Rome.  Places that move you, for their...

DRIVEN: 2023 Hyundai G80 Electrified AWD

Doubleclick on any image to see it full screen in high res Other than Ford GTs, and this or that Ferrari or Porsche, I get more questions about EVs than just about any other vehicle right now, so as you’ve likely noticed from recent posts, I’m working my...

DRIVEN: 2023 Hyundai Elantra Limited

When the fourth gen Hyundai Elantra came online in 2006, it played as a strong competitor to the Ford Focus, and several other compact coupes and sedans; in terms of value, standard equipment, and content levels, I felt it bettered the popular Ford in several key...

Proof that You Can’t Fix Stupid

[CLICK ON ANY PHOTO TO SEE IT FULL SCREEN IN HI RES] There’s a famous Latin expression, used primarily by the legal community, that goes Res Ipsa Loquitur, which pretty much means “The Thing Speaks for Itself” somewhat filling the need for the...

DRIVEN: 2023 Hyundai Santa Cruz Limited AWD

(Click on any photo to see it full screen in high res) I have for years been berating carmakers for inflating the compact pickup market into extinction.  As most American brand pickup trucks got “longer, lower, wider” heavier, less fuel efficient, more...

The Gathering at the Oaks Concours, Medford Oregon

The Fourth Time’s A Charm Photos courtesy Kirk Gerbracht; click on any photo to see it full screen in high res Now in its fourth year, Gathering at the Oaks is becoming a meaningful force in the Southern Oregon classic and collector car scene.  It’s a very egalitarian...


I’m pleased to say that my latest book project, after interminable delays due to Covid, inflation, deflation, supply chain issues, a rail strike, locust, rickets, acne, heartburn, and goodness knows what else, is alive and well, in print and available in time...

DRIVEN: 2022 Hyundai Tucson N Line AWD

Double click on any image to see it high res and full screen Hyundai’s Tucson and Sante Fe SUVs have now been around so long, we don’t often think of them as standardbearers in the marketplace.  This was my chance to drive the recently remodeled,...

DRIVEN: Volvo XC40 Recharge EV

DRIVEN: Volvo XC40 Recharge EV   [Please click on any image to see it full screen in high res] As you might imagine, I get many questions about EVs these days.  “How do they drive?”  “How far do they go on a charge?”  “Are they slow?”  Or “Are they fast enough.” ...

Old Cars on the Road

Among the many things I love about driving through rural communities is the surprising number of old cars I run across; yard art parked here and there, wrecking yards, small used car dealerships, barns, and other such random depositories of old tin.  And of course it...

Now in Print: Porsche Special Editions

My newest baby is out of the incubator and available for order. Porsche Special Editions covers a variety of special run Porsches, produced by the factory, by outside coachbuilders, top level aftermarket companies, and others.  Plus a smattering of concept cars....

Days of Elegance: The Netherlands has a great new Concours d’Elegance

Click on any photo to see it full screen in hi res No matter if it’s the next county, state, country, or around the world, when I travel I make it a goal to visit local automotive events.  Of course lots of Googling helps locate and sort out these visits, and if that...

Two Iconic German Car Museums: Porsche and Mercedes-Benz

Visiting Two Iconic German Car Museums: Porsche and Mercedes-Benz Transportation museums around the world vary—from purpose built, factory backed, artistic (and often architectural) wonders to old warehouses thinly repurposed into museum or personal (or foundation)...


No, I’ve not forgotten you or this blog. I’ve just been on the road and on the run gathering new material to share with you. Next up will be two of Germany’s greatest factory car museums both from around the Stuttgart area. Worth my trip, and...


Special Edition cars.  We’ve all heard of them; Anniversary models, Limited editions, Indy 500 Pace Car editions, some models even named SE or Special Edition, and so on…and on.  After finishing up and publishing my THE IROC PORSCHES book, I still felt like I had...

Bronco Road Trip

2,600-MILE WEST COAST ROAD TRIP IN A BRONCO SPORT ALL ‘THUMBS-UP’ The birth and product launch of Ford’s new Bronco and Bronco Sport have earned nearly as much excitement and following as have any Ford GT or Shelby models of recent history. By developing the model...

My First Magazine Editor’s Job – Thanks POCA!

After 30 some years as a full time professional automotive writer, photographer, and book author, I’m often asked what was my first magazine editor’s job, which was in fact as the Quarterly Magazine Editor for POCA, the Pantera Owners Club of America. This...