I apologize to all of you for not posting this up during last month’s holiday season, just my own bad for not doing so. But the event is so worthwhile, and the spirit and cause so good, plus a lot of great cars, I felt it was still worth a look and a mention, and I hope you’ll agree. Please remember that you can double click on any photo to see it full screen in high res.
The Motor4Toys car show is the brainchild of Dustin Troyan, a serious car enthusiast and very marketing minded promoter and puter-on-er of Cars N Coffee and other automotive events. The driver behind the idea is to host a holiday time cars’ncoffee style meetup to help out underprivileged kids who otherwise might not have a very bright holiday season. The real brilliance behind this event is that it costs nothing to enter your car or attend as a spectator — except the donation of a toy or toys as you wish. Of course there are some sponsors, but no money otherwise changes hands, and everything benefits the kids. Every year this event gathers tens and tens of thousands of toys, and then Troyan’s band of volunteer elves distribute the toys to shelters, orphanages, schools, hospitals and other places serving under privileged kids. It’s a great thing to do for a great reason and cause.
That’s pretty much the story, and please check out the 2019 motor4toys photos below, and you can donate, sponsor or just keep up on this year’s show at www.motor4toys.com

Ford vs Ferrari had just come out in theaters, so a handy grouping of GT40 and Ferrari prototype tribute cars were on hand