This ’66 GTO lives about a mile from my house, and its all I can do not to leave a note on the windshield. It’s licensed and runs, as it’s gone from this driveway everyday during business daylight hours so its at least complete and a runner with current tags

Much of this rust and paint crust is surface, but some may not be, so a full strip and media blast is in order. I’d junk the Keystone mags and semi-janky exhaust system, and go for slightly restomod 16-inch “PMD” stock looking wheels plus factory pipes. Stock, clean, and original for me please
We’ve all done it. Eyeballed a car/truck/bike/boat/plane looking a bit down on its luck if not outright abandoned, that immediately sparked our restorational imaginational. If I got my hands on that thing, I’d make it bitchin. I guess it’s all an extension of the barnfind phenom. Sometime these things are conveniently all in one place — actually in this case, they are too, that being Camarillo, California, where I happen to live. Not as handy as in all-in-one place wrecking yard, but still easy pickins out of the car window.
As I always say: Cars (and car stories) are where you find them. My tastes are eclectic, not always skewed toward the fast and dangerous, or expensive, just cool pieces I’d love to own, fix up and drive. I hope you enjoy a few of them.
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This is just Wrong. First Gen Ford SVT Lightning sitting at a YouStore place, baking in the sun and generally going to seed. I would drive and enjoy this every day

These are your “Father’s Oldsmobiles;” custom cruisers just waiting to happen. ’47 on the left, 50 or so middle, and a ’55/56 on the right. I’d sell the first two and restore the latter

This ’70 Caprice is a somewhat rare bodystyle, and sitting right with clean shiny black paint will really catch your eye. Cost nothing to buy and every part you’d ever need is available cheap

Hey, nice Valvoline sign, right? No dummy I’m talking about the pretty straight and all there square bodied Chevy shortbed — big movement for these square rigged, hardworking pickups now

OK, this is just wrong. Bauhaus bodied first gen Audi TT is a viable sports car and should never be cast off as yard sculpture like this one. I don’t know if it’s a turbo or manny tranny or what, but a great piece of design that shouldn’t be dead in a driveway

This mid-70s Nova is just a paintjob short of outstanding, with clean factory wheels, nice dual pipes, and a straight bod – talk about affordable muscle

OK sorry again more trucks. You won’t often see these square bod GMC Blazer/Jimmys sitting around doing nothing, not sure if this one moves or not. Several other Suburbans or Tahoes on or around this property, so they must love ’em.

Last truck, I promise. Paint on this early 60s Chevy has been done largely by rattle can, but its clean enough to be seen in or to drive. Sits nice, has nice rolling stock and maybe updated powertrain