I apologize for being such as sloth at maintaining the site over the last week or so, but I’ve just been really busy, and spent the last two days at PECLA, which is the newly minted and most amazing Porsche Experience Center Los Angeles; I drove the training courses on Monday and attended a star-studded ribbon cutting party last night, and have much to share, which I will as soon as its all downloaded and organize.
This is a must visit place, even if you’re not, or not yet, a Porsche person. Museum,

Porsche Motorsports of North America occupies the new property, giving up its old, too small, slightly tired location in Costa Mesa.
motorsport shop, gift shop, restaurant, blah blah blah. Stay tuned and I’ll give you the full download very soon.

You can see bits of several of PECLA’s training courses in this one photo, indcluding handling course, polished concrete, glare ice, and off-road. This will remind everyone of us how much we still have to learn about performance driving.

This is about as close as any of us is likely to get to the new 911R, unless you are among the lucky few allowed to buy one.
Plus a lot to show you from my recent trip to Cuba.
Sorry/thanks – MS