My ’89 Carrera 3.2 at left, Kirk’s gray 996 in the middle, and Jeff’s tastilicious red Cayman GTS on the right.
One of the great morning cruise-ins near me takes place in Woodland Hills, California, at the parking lot of a regional shopping mall. It’s called Supercar Sunday, and is open to any kind of cars or bikes, although once a month, it’s sort of dedicated to a particular marque. As me, and my two best car posse buddies, have Porsches, it was only logical that we all attend with our cars.
One of my boys, Kirk Gerbracht, snagged these wonderful photos which I thought you might enjoy.

Don’t laugh, but I find this ’64 Dart convertible very appealing. It’s a V-8 model, sits nicely on later wheels, runs great colors, and is absolutely immaculate. Talk about beach cruiser.