I have for quite some time, been enamored of Cuba for many reasons. Among them certainly is the island nation’s history with the United States during the John F. Kennedy era (Cuban Missile crises, the Bay of Pigs, nearly 60s years of trade embargo with the US, and a car scene that’s like no other in the world). I’ve never been, and finally get to go, thank to my friend and long time automotive photographer Brenda Priddy. Ms. Priddy visited Cuba sometime ago and became enamored of it, so among other things, she began putting together automotive flavored trips to Cuba (and my thanks to her for the use of these photos). Another such trip is currently scheduled for October 15-23, 2016 and there’s still room for like minded enthusiasts to get on board. But first, the “Matt” that you see in “Detours with Matt” is not me; he’s a tour group provider with whom Brenda has partnered to put these events together. I’m not publishing all of the details and the full itinerary here, but you can contact Matt (just below) for more info and he’ll send you the whole thing in detail.
As you likely know, hundreds if not thousands of 40s and 50s era American cars, but the locals have had no meaningful repair and care parts supply for decades, so they often have to resort to ultra innovative, if not downright strange methods to keep their old cars on the road. Some cars are beautifully restored and maintained, while others use tiny diesel engines out of tractors to keep moving. The island is populated by Russian cars, and a smorgasboard of interesting vehicles from around the world. There are a few car clubs, and there is one government owned car museum, and this trip will expose us to both. Rumors are insistent that there is at least one barnfind style Gullwing stuck down there, some Porsches and a Corvette or two. And I can’t wait. I’ll have numerous blog posts, and hopefully a book for you, upon my return.

I hope we get to meet this Vette in person; wonder how many people have tried to buy it over the years.
It’s not an inexpensive trip, but takes us everywhere we’d want to go, with a mix of new and old, local culture and car scene, music, food, architecture, and all the rest. All in it’s no more expensive than a mid-luxury cruise for two. The trip is already about half full, so if you’re interested, get in touch with Matt, and ask him to send you the full trip detail and registration information. I’ll be there, and I hope to meet you at the trip’s kickoff and welcome party in Miami.
Contact Detours with Matt: matt@detourswithmatt.com