As you may or may not know, I’ve spent the last seven Januarys working for SPEED then FOX Sports TV covering the Barrett-Jackson Collector Car auctions in Scottsdale, Arizona. And I’m somewhat disappointed to advise you that great run has come to an end, at least for now. Like everything in life, things evolve, and with the complete absorption of SPEED into FOX Sports, we were told there would be headcount and budget cuts. My contract with FOX expired at the end of last year, and I was headcount and budget cut from the team.

Formerly my teammates, always my friends. They are, from left, the incomparable Mike Joy, Host Bob Varsha, the late me, Sex and Hotness Herself April Rose, Rick deBruhl, Ralph Sheheen, Mr. British Charm Justin Bell, and the world’s only Mags, Steve Magnante
This hurts me a lot but TV broadcast teams are reorganized about every fifteen seconds; I love and respect the production team I worked for, and can’t say enough good things about my broadcast teammates; they are wonderful guys and gal, very talented, and they’ll do fine without me and I’ll root for them all the way.
But I’ll still be working Barrett-Jackson in a potentially exciting new way; as the media convergence continues, how and on what we “watch television” is evolving, and to that end, Barrett-Jackson has engaged Entertainment Right Now Live Radio to launch the auction’s first live web stream, which I’m honored to say I’ll be a part of. This is by no means a replacement for the TV show you’ll see on the FOX family of networks, but merely an augmentation of it. A different view, airing at some times when FOX does not, and hopefully some fun content worth your watch. We’ll be based in a very impressively built and equipped studio in one of the main auction pavillions, not very far from that famous auction block, and have a variety of fixed and mobile cameras at our command. Plus some cool guests, some behind the scenes stuff, and I hope I can worm myself behind the wheels of some of the more enticing auction cars. The commander in chief of our broadcast will be my long time friend, colleague, and radio veteran Alan Taylor. Plus I’ll be doing a couple book signings at the Motorbooksmobile, so come see me and say hello. Don’t worry, you’ll find it in the vendor pavillion.
As of now, the schedule looks something like this:
Wed Jan 15, 10-11:00AM, continuing 5:00-8:00PM (MST)
Thurs Jan 16, 10-11:00AM, continuing 5:00-8:00PM (MST)
Friday Jan 17 9:00AM-Noon, (MST)
Sat Jan 18, 10:00-Noon, continuing 3:00-4:00PM (MST)
Sunday, Jan 19, 10:00AM-3:00PM (MST) for getaway day
You have to do a little signup process on the Barrett-Jackson website in order to see the stream, but should be able to do so on any internet device. Please remember; it’s a new thing, with some new technology, and I’m sure there will be glitches and hiccups, so bear with us. Could be good fun, and wish me luck!
Sign up at