Dear Friends, Visitors and Viewers,
I’m way behind in blog postings, and have an inventory of car shows and vehicle drives to share with you. But I’m going to take them a little out of order for now since this Shelby Toy Drive and Shelby Los Angeles open house has a distinct holiday slant to it. And seeing photos of the X-mas trees at Shelby’s LA facility will look a little silly in a few weeks. So, if you’ll excuse the out-of-orderness of it all, you’ll still see some great cars.
Thanks — MS
Great photos as always by kirk Gerbracht

‘Twas the spirit of the season! Big thanks to Jenni, Tracey, Rafaella, Claudia and all the Great Shelby American folks who worked hard to put it on.
Carroll Shelby really loved kids, and was moved and driven to support those who were ill or otherwise underpriviledged, hence the Carroll Shelby Childrens Foundation. So, in ‘Shel’s honor and memory, my friends at the CSCF decided to open the door to the Shelby Los Angeles warehouse and office facility and serve some food, show off some of Carroll’s cars, and collect some toys for charity. Needless to say it became an impromptu car show, and a darn good one. There was no charge for any of it, but a chance to help out less fortunate kids, see a cool place, and see friends, eat, and so some shopping at the Shelby Store.
Before the pix, here’s some important links:
Check it out….

The Shelby Store is open and now keeps regular hours — lots of great stuff for the Shelbyphile plus every new and classic T-shirt design you can imagine.

Where it absolutely all began; CSX2000, the original Shelby Cobra prototype, built right here in SoCal

Carroll’s private collection of cars, Shelbys and otherwise, is not ordinarily open to the public, so this was a real treat for anyone whose never seen his own personal toybox

Betcha didn’t know Carroll owned a Chrysler Airflow — he loved technology and advanced automotive design, so this innovative American classic is a natural for his own collection

How’s this for a classics per square inch ratio: a Cobra Daytona Coupe, and a Shelby Series I, with a Shelby Raptor truck and a current GT500 SuperSnake in the background