It’s hard for me to believe that the Friends of Steve McQueen Car Show has been running for eight years now; I remember the first one, which was little more than a Porsche 356 club gathering, but it raised nearly $10,000 for the Boys Republic Schools; This fine institution, with its primary campus in Chino Hills, California, was founded in 1907 as a place to put wayward boys (and now girls too) onto good paths in life. Steve McCool lived and schooled there as a young teen, and later credited Boys Republic for “saving his life.” He often went back to the school to meet and speak with, and inspire, the kids that drugs and crime is no way to live, in fact its a great way to die. The school has remained the McQueen family’s pet charity, and they take an active role in supporting the school, and putting on one helluva car show. Its grown in size, stature, and quality over these last several years, putting around 300 great cars and motorcycles on the school grounds during a weekend festival that celebrates everything Steve.
I’ve been involved with the show since its beginnings, and will continue to be. This year I strong armed several friends into putting their cars in the show, along with my own, and attending and supporting the cause. Which they did and for which I’m appreciative. The show’s main goal this year was to surpass the $1,000,000 mark in terms of fund raising, which the show did handily. The money is used to remodel the school’s physical plants and facilities and to buy much needed teaching and farming equipment.
The quality and variety of cars, trucks, vintage travel trailers, and bikes this year was inspiring. Its not Pebble Beach, very much a run what you brung kind of event, yet that didn’t keep many legit, ex Steve McQueen cars and bikes from showing, as well as many true show quality cars.
These great Kirk Gerbracht photos (please scroll all the way to the bottom not to miss any) tell the story better than I can with words, so please enjoy the sights of the Friends of Steve McQueen Show, 2015, and mark your calendar for next June, 2016, attend or even enter your car. Learn more at